Friday, June 13, 2014

WECA: Two Items of Interest

Dear WECA Neighbors – We wanted to inform you of two particular items that will be of interest, and happening very soon (this weekend, and starting next week)!

Peerless Rockville: Open House at Frieda’s Cottage and Annual Meeting for 40th Anniversary
Our friends at Peerless Rockville are hosting an open house at Frieda’s Cottage (19 Thomas Street, Rockville, MD 20850), on the grounds of Chestnut Lodge, on Saturday, June 14th from 11am to 1pm, in association with their annual meeting. Peerless Rockville restored this 1936 home and office to Frieda Fromm-Reichmann during her years at the Chestnut Lodge sanitarium. The cottage will be open for tours between 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. and rumor has it that Frieda will stop by to visit and meet with guests. They will also be serving up light refreshments, musical entertainment and cake in celebration of Peerless’ 40th Anniversary.

For more information, visit

Sewer Work and Associated Road Closures along Harrison Street
There is upcoming sewer work scheduled to take place along Harrison and Upton Streets. This work will involve installing sanitary sewer and man holes to allow a new home at 212 Harrison St. to connect to the City's sanitary sewer. Daytime road closures will be needed due to the nature of the work. Work is to start tentatively on Monday June 16, and could take 3 to 5 weeks, depending on weather and the paving schedule. This work is not a City of Rockville project, but rather permitted work done by private contractors. Those affected the most will be residents on Harrison Street, from Forest to N. Van Buren, and from Harrison Street, along Upton to Beall Avenue.

Enjoy your start to the summer in Rockville!