WECA Neighbors – Happy spring! We wanted to provide you with an early “heads-up” that the date for our April WECA meeting has been changed to Thursday, April 24th (rather than our normal third Thursday of the month). It will still be held at the Rockville Presbyterian Church and begin at 7pm. An agenda will be sent a couple days in advance.
Please also note that if you are interested in receiving information on issues and events which affect Rockville residents generally, you can sign-up to receive e-mails from the City of Rockville through the “Notify Me” area of their website, available through this link: http://www.rockvillemd.gov/ list.aspx Through our WECA listserv notifications, we aim to provide information which would be of specific interest to residents of the West End.
For those neighbors interested in the City’s Bikeway Master Plan, below is information on an upcoming Planning Commission Meeting, from a recent City of Rockville press release:
The City's Planning Commission is scheduled to hold a public hearing on the draft update of the Rockville Bikeway Master Plan on Wednesday, April 9 at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave.
The hearing will be preceded by a public open house. City staff will be on hand to answer questions about the plan from 5-7 p.m. in the Blue Crab Room at City Hall.
The plan guides planning of the City's bicycle facility network. It was last updated in 2004, laying the groundwork for an expansion over the past decade to more than 34 miles dedicated to bicycles. The 2014 Bikeway Master Plan update offers the opportunity to shape the way people get around Rockville for years to come.
The Planning Commission heard a presentation of the draft plan on March 12. Video of the presentation is available at http://rockvillemd.granicus. com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2& clip_id=3098 .
City staff has also presented the draft plan and collected testimony during meetings with neighborhood associations. Staff remains available to visit neighborhood associations and other groups to discuss the plan. Please call Transportation Planner/Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Kevin Belanger at 240-314-8509 to schedule a staff visit.
The 2004 Bikeway Master Plan, Draft 2014 Bikeway Master Plan and Draft Bikeway Recommendations Map can be viewed at www.rockvillemd.gov/ bikewaymasterplan .
Those wishing to testify during the Planning Commission hearing may sign up by calling 240-314-8200 by 4 p.m. on Wednesday. Priority will be given to speakers who sign up in advance. Those speaking as individuals will be allotted three minutes. Those speaking on behalf of an organization will be allotted five minutes.
Public comments also may be submitted:
By letter to the City of Rockville Planning Commission, c/o Kevin Belanger, 111 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, MD 20850.