Monday, May 27, 2013

WECA - Four Development Items of Interest

Save our Neighborhoods- Say No to Excessive Institutional Concentration
WECA has been following the application of the Congregation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses to build a second worship hall at 626 and 628 Great Falls Road, directly across the street from Julius West Middle School.  The new facility would be located at the tip of the intersection of Great Falls Road and Maryland Avenue. The existing house at 626 Great Falls Road would be demolished, and an addition to the house at 628 would create a worship hall and supplemental facility, of approximately 5,000 square feet. 

WECA has voted in opposition to this facility because it would lead to excessive concentration of institutions at the gateway, it would cause traffic hazards and risks to pedestrian safety, it would change forever the residential character of the neighborhood in this location.   If you support this position sign the on-line petition.  Go to:  

Send a letter to the Planning Commission
The written record will be open until June 6th.  If you have not had time to attend the hearings or send your own letter consider sending the following short message to the Planning Commission.  The email address is:

 Dear Members of the Planning Commission:
For the reasons which follow I do not support the Pike Plan or the Zoning Ordinance which would implement the Plan.  The Pike Plan and the Zoning Revisions will:
·       Cause too much population increase and density
·       Threaten our Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance (APFO).
·       Overcrowd our schools
·       Result in buildings of excessive height along the Pike
·       Increase traffic and traffic congestion rather than reducing it
·       Hurt our small businesses and the local economy
·       Create an area without public parks or green space
·       Discourage rather than enhance walkability.
·       Hurt the quality of life for current residents without providing compensating benefits
Sincerely,   (your name)

731 W. Montgomery Ave at Nelson St. intersection
The owner of 731 W. Montgomery Ave has applied to the City to increase the capacity of the daycare center at this address from 8 to 12 children.  This is a significant step because it would change the facility from an in-home business to an institution.  Per the Zoning Ordinance this increase in children and the reclassification requires approval of a Special Exception.  The Board of Appeals is the deciding authority and it is required to find that the application will not change the character of the neighborhood , constitute a nuisance because of noise, traffic, number of people, or type of physical activity; and other criteria.  

I received notification of the following meetings and hearings:
Area Meeting:
            Date: June 6, 2013
            Location:  Rockville City Hall, Black-Eyed Susan Conference Room
            Time: 7 PM

Planning Commission Public Hearing/Recommendations
            Date:  June 26, 2013
            Location:  Rockville City Hall, Mayor and Council Chambers
            Time:  7 PM

Board of Appeals Public Hearing
            Date:  July 13, 2013
            Location:  Rockville City Hall, Mayor and Council Chambers
            Time:  9 AM

If you have questions you may contact the applicant, Rubina Mohammed at 240-715-1399 or the City’s Project Planner, Nicole Walters at 240-314-8215
If you are interested in participating in a WECA committee on this issue, please contact
             Victoria McMullen at     or
             Patricia Woodward at 301-762-3376

Where: Behind new Bank of America building at 275 N. Washington St.
What:  190 unit community with ~110 units of independent living and ~80 units of
            assisted living.
Learn more at the Pre-Application Area Meeting
            Date:  June 12, 2013
            Location:   Rockville Library, First Floor Meeting Room
            Time:  6-7 PM