Hello WECA Neighbors – We
hope that you are enjoying these fading days of summer, and looking forward to
the return of autumn and all its activities.
There are four items
below that we want to draw your attention to, ranging from development plans to
community forums, to items for awareness. Please also mark your calendars -- the
first WECA meeting of the fall will be held on Thursday, September 17th
at 7pm at the Rockville Presbyterian Church (215 West Montgomery Ave.). An
agenda will be distributed prior to the meeting. Please plan to join us!
Below are items likely to be of interest to many of you, provided by
the City of Rockville:
On the Sept. 21 Mayor & Council agenda there
is a Public Hearing on Map Amendment MAP2016-00113, for the rezoning of 17
Martins Lane from R-60 to R-60 (HD) to designate the property as Historic.
Also on the Sept. 21 meeting there will be a
presentation - Briefing on a Proposed Amendment to the Approved Planned
Development for Chestnut Lodge at 500 West Montgomery Avenue; Project Plan
Application PJT2015-00005.
The City is currently in the process of updating
the Comprehensive Master Plan. A key part of the process is public involvement;
for the balance of 2015 City staff will be visiting all parts of the City and
conducting Listening Sessions to hear directly from citizens about their hopes
and concerns for the future of both the City and their own neighborhoods.
A Listening Session for West
End/Woodley Gardens East-West (Planning Area 4) will be held on Thursday
September 24 at 7:00 p.m. at the Rockville Presbyterian Church, 215 West
Montgomery Avenue.
Master Plan update: www.rockvillemd.gov/masterplanupdate
Comprehensive Master Plan documents: 2002
Comprehensive Master Plan: http://www.rockvillemd.gov/index.aspx?nid=200
scroll down to the “Adopted Comprehensive Master Plan”. Information on Planning
Area 4 can be found in Chapter 11. Please scroll further down to the link to
the 1989 Planning Area 4 plan referred to in the 2002 plan.
If you would prefer a hard
copy of any of the documents please contact Ann Wallas at awallas@rockvillemd.gov
or 240-314-8200.
Montgomery College will
hold a community meeting on each campus to discuss the 2014-2024 Facilities
Master Plan:
Rockville Campus – Tuesday, September 8, 2015
from 7-9 p.m. in Room SC152, the Science Center Building
Germantown Campus – Wednesday, September 9, 2015
from 7-9 p.m. in Globe Hall in the High Technology and Science Center Building
Takoma Park Campus – Thursday, September 10,
2015 from 7-9 p.m. in room CM211 in the Catherine F. Scott Commons Building
Please contact Mr. Jamie
Karn at 240-567-4288 if you have any questions.
Sharing Information on Solicitors/Hawkers/Peddlers
From Major Over of the
Rockville City Police Department: Recently there have questions from the
community about Solicitors/Hawkers/ and Peddlers, and what does the City
Ordinance allow and mandate. For details, please visit the ordinance at https://www.municode.com/library/md/rockville/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeld=CICO_CH12LIPEMIBURE and Chapter 12 under Licenses, Permits and Miscellaneous Business Regulations
Aging in Place Community Forum: You are Invited
You are invited to a free
event: Aging in Place Community Forum
Saturday, October 17,
2015 from 10am – 12pmRockville Senior Center, Carnation Room
1150 Carnation Drive, Rockville, MD 20850
Have you heard about the Village Movement? The principle of the
village movement is simple. Communities form inter-generational organizations
to provide volunteer help and access to services that support neighbors’
choices to stay at home as long as possible.
Over 70 representatives
of non-profits, local government, city residents and businesses have come
together to develop a plan to strengthen our community and make Rockville a
place to thrive for all ages.
To make this initiative a
reality, we need to hear from you. Join us and bring a friend! Refreshments
will be served!
rockvillevillages@gmail.com (240)